Pomnabo’s Gitpages
This is my journey to becoming a programmer!
I have studied linguistics, music, and graphic design and I am looking to improve my career by combining all of my previous studies; what better way than through programming!
The git pages featured in this repository will be a comphrensive list of all of my programming projects; so please forgive me as many of these projects will be simple and rather uninteresting. It is my own disposition to add my own personal touch to every project, so hopefully they won’t be too too bland. I may prune these later, or move them to a separate respository, but regardless, I enjoy that I can review my progress overtime.
Courses/guides I am following:
Current: Coursera: “HTML, CSS, and Javascript for Web Developers” The Odin Project (Full Stack Developer roadmap) MDN Web Docs Udemy Courses (Too many instructors to list!)
Planned: CS50X CS50P CS50AI
My goal is to become well versed as a full stack software developer. I have recently (as of October 2023) been doing contract work annotating various AI language models. I would like to eventually see how I can deepen my knowledge of linguistics and apply it to the field, as it seems to be where much of the tech industry is heading. You may have seen my other respository “KarretBot,” which I still plan to work on once I am more adept at programming; especially with Python. Right now Karret is not planned to become an AI model, as she was intended to be used by a very small gaming community, a Mabinogi guild called “Tuathade”; but who knows! Perhaps I will be able to learn how to create my own AI and Karret will be able to reach her full potential!
Thanks for reading! If you’re interested in any of my projects or want to collaborate and discuss, please contact me at: Contact@pomnabo.com